14th - 17th Dec 07
Transform Us : FBC 2007 Youth Camp
it was alot more relax-ing than last year... alot more free time...and alot MORE friends! wahahah! it was really great being able to attend worship with youth (in english! THANK GOD! ) , getting to know more about Christ through fellowship, have meals with cousins and old friends, and making new ones.
the worship sessions were really good...the talks and workshops were even better... attended the the workshop held by Trishia http://www.egalitaria.wordpress.com/ on Christians in politics. an eye-opener... and i was amazed at what we are actually able to do, even if we're not adults just yet.
able to have LOADS of fun with my two luvly gurlfrens - Sara n Eunice! along with the other youth i grew up with... some which no longer are youths but... i think they're in denial but i'm cool with that~ hahaha!![]()
Left to Rgiht : 1. there i was sharing...panic panic...
2. me, joshua and kenneth fooling around
3. group pic! niceee shirt! *ahem! cute butts!*
4. Benjamin's electrifying hair-do! Zhen and me!
5. Fong-Lee-Chan clan VS. the...the... i'll get back to that! clan!
6. the fastest human wheelbarrow! me and Joanna!
7.Moses the sandy merman! gonna be hit with more sand by Ian! Eunice RUN!
8. JOSHUA! eh! not you! yes YOU! omg...they're ALL joshuas.....gasps!